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We have a configured cluster with Patroni, >=2 nodes. The task is to preserve the state of the database before deployment and, in case of failure, roll back to it.

The working and tested algorithm is as follows:

  1. Stop replication on one of the slaves during deployment:
     psql# select pg_xlog_replay_pause();

    The instance will be in read-only mode, will receive WAL-segments, but will not apply them.

  2. Record the XID on the master before deployment:
     psql# select txid_current();

    For example, 283473094.

  3. Monitor the lag:
    • On the master:
       SELECT *, pg_xlog_location_diff(s.sent_location, s.replay_location) AS byte_lag 
       FROM pg_stat_replication s;
    • On the slave (in seconds):
       SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (now() - pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp()))::INT;
  4. If everything is OK and the deployment was successful, resume applying WAL on the slave:
     psql# select pg_xlog_replay_resume();
  5. If things go wrong and you need to revert the cluster to its pre-deployment state, follow these steps to match the state of the slave with the disabled replay: 5.1 Stop the Patroni service on the slave. 5.2 Modify the configurations on the slave to recover to the necessary XID that was recorded before deployment:
    • postgresql.conf
       hot_standby = 'off'
    • recovery.conf
       # Uncomment the following lines and add recovery_target_xid:
       #primary_slot_name = '10_144_193_197'
       restore_command = 'cp ../wal_archive/%f %p'
       #recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'
       #standby_mode = 'on'
       #primary_conninfo = 'user=replicator password=EedCyzger4% host= port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 application_name='

      5.3 Start the slave in standalone mode, for example:

       pg_ctl -D /u01/data/pgdata start -o "-p 5432"

      The log should indicate that recovery reached the specified XID:

       <2019-07-04 11:17:02.803 MSK> LOG: consistent recovery state reached at 19E/45017E28
       <2019-07-04 11:17:02.803 MSK> LOG: recovery stopping after commit of transaction 283473094, time 2019-07-04 11:13:59.869785+03

      5.4 Delete the cluster configuration (on the master):

       patronictl -c /etc/patroni/postgres.yml remove cluster-pgsql

      Stop the Patroni service on the master as usual:

       systemctl stop patroni

      Start Patroni on the slave where the blue-green database is running:

       systemctl start patroni  

      The slave will become the new master and the only node in the cluster.

    5.5 Delete and clean the pg_data on the old master (everything, including configs and WALs). Start Patroni, and it will bootstrap from the new master.