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This article covers the setup of Automated password rotation for a PostgreSQL user using AWS Secrets Manager and Lambda. This process enhances security by ensuring that credentials are regularly updated without manual intervention.
By the end of this article, a fully functional system for automatically rotating PostgreSQL user passwords will be in place.

Table of Contents

Basic Overview

In this section, we’ll discuss the overall concept and workflow of implementing automated password rotation for your applications that connect to a PostgreSQL RDS instance using AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Lambda.

Service Overview

Architecture Overview

The diagram above illustrates the architecture for the Automated password rotation system implemented using AWS services. The key components of this architecture include:

  1. Security Group: A security group will be created to control inbound and outbound traffic to the resources.
  2. DB Subnet Group: This group will define the subnets within the VPC that the Amazon RDS instance will use.
  3. Amazon RDS Single Instance: The RDS instance will host the PostgreSQL database.
  4. AWS Secrets Manager: This service will securely store the credentials for the PostgreSQL user, manage the rotation of these credentials, and allow the application to retrieve the credentials when needed.
  5. AWS Lambda Function: A Lambda function will handle the password rotation process.
  6. Amazon CloudWatch: CloudWatch will be utilized to monitor logs generated by the Lambda function. This allows for tracking the success or failure of password rotations, as well as troubleshooting any issues that may arise during the process.

Concept Overview

  • AWS Secrets Manager: Secrets Manager securely stores user credentials (username, password, and connection information) for your PostgreSQL database. For each user account, you can configure a password rotation policy, including:
    • Rotation Strategy: Choose between the Alternating Users strategy or the Single-User strategy.
    • Rotation Period: Define how often the passwords should be rotated.
  • Application: Your application retrieves the database credentials from Secrets Manager. It periodically updates its configuration by fetching the latest credentials, ensuring it always has the current username and password to connect to the database.
  • Password Rotation Process (step 1):
    • When the rotation period is due, Secrets Manager triggers an AWS Lambda function for each user account that needs a password rotation.
    • Lambda Function: The Lambda function performs the password rotation (step 2,3):
      • Single-User Strategy
        • The Lambda function generates a new password for the user.
        • It connects to the database using the same user’s credentials (Literally the user changes their own password in the database).
        • The new password is then updated in the user’s secret in Secrets Manager.
      • Alternating Users Strategy:
        • The Lambda function alternately updates the credentials between the original user and its clone. Initially, it creates a clone of the user with a new password in the database, using a separate database user dedicated for password rotation. The new username and password pair are then updated in the secret in Secrets Manager.
        • On the next password rotation, the Lambda function changes the password of the original (primary) user and updates the secret in Secrets Manager accordingly. This process continues in an alternating fashion—each rotation switches between updating the password of the original user and its clone. By doing so, your application always retrieves the current and valid credentials from Secrets Manager, allowing it to seamlessly connect to the database using the updated username and password without interruption.


Step 1: Create Amazon RDS PostgreSQL Instance

Create the RDS Instance

1.1. Set Up Environment Variables

First, define the variables that you’ll use throughout all the steps. Replace the placeholder values with your actual IDs:

ℹ️ INFO: Since we will use variables, all steps must be executed in a single CLI session.

# Replace with your actual subnet IDs within your VPC

# Replace with your actual VPC ID

# Replace with your region

# (Optional) Replace with your security group ID if you have an existing one
# If you don't have one yet, we'll create it in the next steps

1.2. Create a DB Subnet Group (If Not Already Created)

A DB subnet group is a collection of subnets that you may want to designate for your RDS instances in a VPC:

aws rds create-db-subnet-group \
    --db-subnet-group-name my-db-subnet-group \
    --db-subnet-group-description "My DB subnet group" \
    --subnet-ids $SUBNET_ID1 $SUBNET_ID2

1.3. Create a VPC Security Group

If you don’t have a security group, create one to control inbound and outbound traffic for your RDS instance:

RDS_SG_ID=$(aws ec2 create-security-group \
    --group-name my-rds-sg \
    --description "Security group for RDS instance" \
    --vpc-id $VPC_ID \
    --query 'GroupId' \
    --output text)

echo "Created Security Group with ID: $RDS_SG_ID"

1.4. Modify Security Group Inbound Rules

Add inbound rules to allow traffic on the PostgreSQL port (default 5432):

# Allow inbound PostgreSQL traffic from a specific IP
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
    --group-id $RDS_SG_ID \
    --protocol tcp \
    --port 5432 \
    --cidr <your-ip-address>/32

# Allow inbound traffic on PostgreSQL port (5432) from the same security group (Lambda to RDS)
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
    --group-id $RDS_SG_ID \
    --protocol tcp \
    --port 5432 \
    --source-group $RDS_SG_ID

Note: Replace with your actual IP address or use

1.5. Create the RDS PostgreSQL Instance

Use the following command to create your RDS instance:

aws rds create-db-instance \
    --db-instance-identifier my-postgres-instance \
    --db-instance-class db.t3.micro \
    --engine postgres \
    --master-username postgres \
    --master-user-password YourMasterPasswordHere \
    --allocated-storage 20 \
    --vpc-security-group-ids $RDS_SG_ID \
    --db-subnet-group-name my-db-subnet-group \
    --backup-retention-period 7 \
    --no-publicly-accessible \
    --engine-version 16.4 \
    --storage-type gp2 \
    --auto-minor-version-upgrade \
    --publicly-accessible \
    --copy-tags-to-snapshot \
    --tags Key=Name,Value=my-postgres-instance

Parameter Explanations:
db-instance-identifier: A unique name for your RDS instance (e.g., my-postgres-instance)
db-instance-class: The compute and memory capacity (e.g., db.t3.micro)
engine: The database engine (postgres for PostgreSQL)
master-username: The username for the master user (e.g., postgres)
master-user-password: A strong password for the master user
allocated-storage: The amount of storage in GiB
vpc-security-group-ids: Your security group ID(s)
db-subnet-group-name: The DB subnet group name created earlier
backup-retention-period: Number of days to retain backups
no-publicly-accessible: Specifies that the instance isn’t publicly accessible
engine-version: The PostgreSQL engine version (e.g., 16.4)
storage-type: The storage type (e.g., gp2 for General Purpose SSD)
auto-minor-version-upgrade: Enables Automated minor version upgrades
copy-tags-to-snapshot: Copies tags to snapshots
tags: Adds metadata tags to your instance

1.6. Verify the RDS Instance Creation

Check the status of your RDS instance:

aws rds describe-db-instances \
--db-instance-identifier my-postgres-instance --query 'DBInstances[0].DBInstanceStatus'

# or you can use the command below (it will wait until the creation process is finished)
aws rds wait db-instance-available --db-instance-identifier my-postgres-instance

Note: Wait until the status changes to available.

1.7. Retrieve the Endpoint Address

You will need the endpoint for the next steps and to connect to your database:

    aws rds describe-db-instances \
    --db-instance-identifier my-postgres-instance \
    --query 'DBInstances[0].Endpoint.Address' \
    --output text

echo "RDS_endpoint:" $RDS_ENDPOINT

Step 2: Create a Secret in AWS Secrets Manager

Creating a secret for rotator_admin and test_user1 involves storing the database credentials securely in AWS Secrets Manager. The rotator_admin user will be used by the Lambda rotation function to manage password rotations for test_user1.

2.1 Set the password you want to use for the rotator_admin user. Ensure you choose a strong password and handle it securely.

#for rotator_admin

#for test_user1

Note: Replace ‘XXXXX’ with a secure password of your choice.

2.2 Create the Secrets in AWS Secrets Manager

aws secretsmanager create-secret \
    --name rotator_admin_secret \
    --description "Secret for rotator_admin user" \
    --secret-string "{\"username\":\"rotator_admin\",\"password\":\"$ROTATOR_ADMIN_PASSWORD\",\"engine\":\"postgres\",\"host\":\"$RDS_ENDPOINT\",\"port\":5432,\"dbname\":\"postgres\"}" \
    --tags Key=Name,Value=rotator_admin_secret

# Retrieve the ARN of rotator_admin_secret  
# It will be used in the next step
ROTATOR_ADMIN_SECRET_ARN=$(aws secretsmanager describe-secret \
    --secret-id rotator_admin_secret \
    --query 'ARN' \
    --output text)

aws secretsmanager create-secret \
    --name test_user1_secret \
    --description "Secret for test_user1 with Automated rotation" \
    --secret-string "{\"username\":\"test_user1\",\"password\":\"$TEST_USER1_PASSWORD\",\"engine\":\"postgres\",\"host\":\"$RDS_ENDPOINT\",\"port\":5432,\"dbname\":\"postgres\",\"masterarn\":\"$ROTATOR_ADMIN_SECRET_ARN\",\"dbInstanceIdentifier\":\"my-postgres-instance\"}" \
    --tags Key=Name,Value=test_user1_secret    

Explanation of Parameters:

  • –name: The name of the secret (rotator_admin_secret).
  • –description: A description for the secret.
  • –secret-string: A JSON string containing the credentials, connection details, and other necessary information.

2.3 Confirm the Secret Creation

Verify that the secret has been created:

aws secretsmanager describe-secret --secret-id rotator_admin_secret
aws secretsmanager describe-secret --secret-id test_user1_secret

Step 3: Deploy the Rotation Lambda Function

We will deploy the rotation Lambda function using the AWS Serverless Application Repository and AWS CloudFormation.

In this guide, we are using the Alternating Users strategy. The rotator_admin user clones test_user1, creating a new test_user1_clone, and assigns a newly generated password to it.​

ℹ️ INFO: For those who interested in a single-user approach, AWS Secrets Manager also provides template with a Single-User Rotation Function, but that topic falls outside the scope of this guide.

3.1 Generate the CloudFormation Template URL

TEMPLATE_URL=$(aws serverlessrepo create-cloud-formation-template \
    --application-id arn:aws:serverlessrepo:us-east-1:297356227824:applications/SecretsManagerRDSPostgreSQLRotationMultiUser \
    --semantic-version 1.1.485 \
    --query 'TemplateUrl' \
    --output text)

Note: Adjust the –application-id and –semantic-version if necessary.

3.2 Deploying the Lambda Function with CloudFormation

ℹ️ INFO:

  • The subnets and security groups must allow the Lambda function to communicate with both the RDS instance and AWS Secrets Manager.
  • Incorrect configuration can lead to connectivity issues, preventing the Lambda function from performing password rotations.
    The main rules are:
  • Subnets (vpcSubnetIds):
    • Same VPC: The subnets must be in the same VPC as your RDS instance.
    • Private Subnets: Ideally, use private subnets that have:
      • Network access to your RDS instance.
      • Internet access through a NAT Gateway for AWS Secrets Manager calls, or a VPC Endpoint for AWS Secrets Manager (IGW does not work with Lambda).
    • Different Subnets: You can use different subnets from those used by the RDS instance, as long as they meet the above criteria.
  • Security Groups (vpcSecurityGroupIds):
    • New Security Group: It’s recommended to create a new security group for the Lambda function to have fine-grained control.
    • Permissions:
      • Outbound Rules: Allow outbound traffic to the RDS instance on port 5432 (PostgreSQL) and to AWS Secrets Manager on port 443 (HTTPS).
      • Inbound Rules: Generally, Lambda functions don’t need inbound rules unless they are invoked by services within your VPC.
aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name pgpasslambda-stack \
    --template-url $TEMPLATE_URL \
    --parameters ParameterKey=functionName,ParameterValue=pgpasslambda \
                 ParameterKey=masterSecretArn,ParameterValue=$ROTATOR_ADMIN_SECRET_ARN \
                 ParameterKey=endpoint,ParameterValue=https://secretsmanager.$ \
                 ParameterKey=vpcSecurityGroupIds,ParameterValue=$RDS_SG_ID \

3.3 Wait for the Stack Creation to Complete

#it will take about 4-7 minutes
aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name pgpasslambda-stack

3.4 Retrieve the ARN of the Rotation Lambda Function

This information will be used in Step 5:

ROTATION_LAMBDA_ARN=$(aws lambda get-function \
    --function-name pgpasslambda \
    --query 'Configuration.FunctionArn' \
    --output text)


Step 4: Create a VPC Endpoint for AWS Secrets Manager

You can find the documentation on using an AWS Secrets Manager VPC endpoint here

4.1. Identify the Service Name for AWS Secrets Manager

Set the service name for AWS Secrets Manager in your region:


echo "Service Name: " $SERVICE_NAME

4.2. Create a VPC Endpoint for AWS Secrets Manager

Use the following command to create the VPC Endpoint. This will enable your Lambda function to access AWS Secrets Manager within your VPC:

aws ec2 create-vpc-endpoint \
    --vpc-id $VPC_ID \
    --vpc-endpoint-type Interface \
    --service-name $SERVICE_NAME \
    --subnet-ids $SUBNET_ID1 $SUBNET_ID2 \
    --security-group-ids $RDS_SG_ID \

Note: Ensure that the varaible VPC_ID, SUBNET_ID1, SUBNET_ID2, RDS_SG_ID and SERVICE_NAME have values

4.3. Update Security Group Rules

Ensure that the security group associated with the VPC Endpoint allows inbound traffic on port 443 from the Lambda function’s security group. This allows Lambda to access Secrets Manager securely:

# Allow inbound HTTPS traffic from Lambda's security group
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
    --group-id $RDS_SG_ID \
    --protocol tcp \
    --port 443 \
    --source-group $RDS_SG_ID

4.4. Verify the VPC Endpoint Creation

Ensure that the VPC Endpoint is created and in the available state:

aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints \
    --filters "Name=vpc-endpoint-type,Values=Interface" "Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPC_ID" \
    --query 'VpcEndpoints[?ServiceName==`'$SERVICE_NAME'`].[VpcEndpointId, State]' \
    --output table

Step 5: Enable Automated Rotation for test_user1_secret

5.1. Enable Rotation on the Secret Manager for test_user1

aws secretsmanager rotate-secret \
    --secret-id test_user1_secret \
    --rotation-lambda-arn $ROTATION_LAMBDA_ARN \
    --rotation-rules AutomaticallyAfterDays=10

Explanation of Parameters:

  • –secret-id: The name or ARN of your secret (test_user1_secret).
  • –rotation-lambda-arn: The ARN of the rotation Lambda function (pgpasslambda).
  • –rotation-rules: Specifies the rotation schedule (every 10 days).

5.2. Verify Rotation Configuration

aws secretsmanager describe-secret --secret-id test_user1_secret

Step 6: Create PostgreSQL Users

Now, we’ll create the necessary users (test_user1 and rotator_admin) in the PostgreSQL database via psql.

psql -h $RDS_ENDPOINT -W -U postgres -v pass="$TEST_USER1_PASSWORD"  -c "CREATE USER test_user1 WITH PASSWORD '$TEST_USER1_PASSWORD';"

psql -h $RDS_ENDPOINT -W -U postgres -v pass="$ROTATOR_ADMIN_PASSWORD" -c "CREATE USER rotator_admin WITH PASSWORD '$ROTATOR_ADMIN_PASSWORD'; GRANT rds_superuser TO rotator_admin;"

Step 7: Checking Network Settings for Lambda Access

Ensure that the Lambda function can access both the RDS instance and AWS Secrets Manager.

7.1. Verify Lambda Function’s VPC Configuration

Use the following AWS CLI command to check the Lambda function’s configuration:

aws lambda get-function-configuration \
    --function-name pgpasslambda \
    --query '{FunctionName:FunctionName, VpcConfig:VpcConfig}'


  • Ensure that the SubnetIds and SecurityGroupIds match the values you provided during deployment.
  • Confirm that the VpcId corresponds to your VPC.

7.2. Verify Security Group Rules

Check the outbound and inbound rules of the Lambda function’s security group $RDS_SG_ID:

aws ec2 describe-security-groups \
    --group-ids $RDS_SG_ID \
    --query 'SecurityGroups[0].IpPermissionsEgress'

aws ec2 describe-security-groups \
    --group-ids $RDS_SG_ID \
    --query 'SecurityGroups[0].IpPermissions'    

Note: Ensure that outbound and inbound traffic is allowed to the RDS instance and AWS Secrets Manager endpoints.

Step 8: Final Check

Manually trigger the rotation function to see if it can access the RDS instance and Secrets Manager:

# Check current test_user1 password 
aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id test_user1_secret --query 'SecretString' --output text
#{"username": "test_user1", "password": "maratos29382",...}

#Try to rotate user password
aws secretsmanager rotate-secret --secret-id test_user1_secret

#Monitor the CloudWatch logs for the Lambda function to check for any errors.
LATEST_LOG_STREAM=$(aws logs describe-log-streams \
    --log-group-name /aws/lambda/pgpasslambda \
    --order-by LastEventTime \
    --descending \
    --limit 1 \
    --query 'logStreams[0].logStreamName' \
    --output text)

aws logs get-log-events \
    --log-group-name /aws/lambda/pgpasslambda \
    --log-stream-name $LATEST_LOG_STREAM \
    --limit 20 \
    --query 'events[*].message' \
    --output text

# Check current test_user1 password again.
aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id test_user1_secret --query 'SecretString' --output text
#{"username": "test_user1_clone", "password": "pInte5tP)wIbVl=#|Wo,EZgB8FRnPPWM",...}

Final Step: Clean up Resources

To completely clean up and delete all the AWS resources and objects created during this RDS password rotation setup, you can use the following AWS CLI commands.

# Delete the RDS Instance
aws rds delete-db-instance \
    --db-instance-identifier my-postgres-instance \

# Delete the Secrets
aws secretsmanager delete-secret \
    --secret-id rotator_admin_secret \

aws secretsmanager delete-secret \
    --secret-id test_user1_secret \

# Delete the Lambda Function
aws lambda delete-function --function-name pgpasslambda

# Delete the VPC Endpoint
VPC_ENDPOINT_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints \
    --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPC_ID" \
    --query "VpcEndpoints[?ServiceName==\`$SERVICE_NAME\`].VpcEndpointId" \
    --output text)
aws ec2 delete-vpc-endpoints --vpc-endpoint-ids $VPC_ENDPOINT_ID

# Remove from CloudFormation stack (removal takes about 5-10 minutes)
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name pgpasslambda-stack

#### Wait until the RDS instance has been deleted
# Delete the DB Subnet Group
aws rds delete-db-subnet-group --db-subnet-group-name my-db-subnet-group

# Delete the Security Group
aws ec2 delete-security-group --group-id $RDS_SG_ID


We’ve successfully set up automated password rotation for a PostgreSQL user using AWS Secrets Manager and Lambda. The test_user1 credentials stored in Secrets Manager will now automatically rotate based on the schedule, enhancing the security of your database environment. Of course, you must set up password rotation for rotator_admin. For this purpose, you can deploy and use the AWS Lambda template for Single-User, but this topic goes beyond the scope of this post.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Secure Access: Always restrict security group rules to specific IP addresses or VPCs rather than using
  • Monitoring: Set up monitoring and alerts for your Lambda function to catch any rotation failures.
  • Secrets Permissions: Ensure that the Lambda execution role has the necessary permissions to access Secrets Manager and RDS.
  • Testing: Test the rotation manually to verify that everything works as expected.

ℹ️ INFO:
This example is for educational purposes only and does not meet production security requirements. When working with production systems, the choice of a proper and secure architecture for VPC, subnets, security groups, etc., is your responsibility.
